The annual appointment with the New Space Economy, now in its fourth edition and held at the Fiera di Roma, offered the opportunity to 31 companies and startups in Lazio, operating in the space economy and aerospace, to make their reality known. The initiative was born from the collaboration between the Lazio Region, the Chamber of Commerce of Rome and LazioInnova, a company of the Lazio Region that works for innovation and support for SMEs and startups. In these days it has been possible to know the aerospace sector of Lazio, composed of world-renowned universities and research centers, large companies and production units owned by international groups, but also by SMEs able to supply components, technical/industrial services and support.

These include Advanced Electronic Biosystem.

The link with the aerospace field arises from the need to integrate equipment for the simulation of shipping and aerospace permanence with sensors that can monitor the vital parameters of the scientific team involved in the experiment.

Our Easy Temp product has stimulated the curiosity of national and international students and university professors, and researchers involved in the design of research activities. On the first day, meetings were held with numerous buyers from all over the world, interested in learning about the different application areas of Easy Temp. Collaborations were born that will be developed in the near future. With our product we have defended the Made in Italy, peculiarities of which we are proud and which has been greatly appreciated by international companies. In the last two days our interest has been to deepen the knowledge of the other companies present and to know the research projects underway at the great Italian Universities such as La Sapienza, Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano. The spirit of each research group is to integrate the various scientific fields with the common objective of promoting scientific and technological progress within the New Space. At our stand also greetings from Paolo Orneli, Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Trade and Crafts, University, Research, Start-up and Innovation, who congratulated for our projects and for our dedication, the same that the Lazio Region uses to achieve a complete synergy between the academic and industrial systems.

“It is a moment of great strength for the Italian Space, Lazio hosts the heart of the Italian space industry and national research excellence in this field and plays a key role in transforming these opportunities into technologies and value. The Lazio Region focuses on the contamination between the academic and industrial system and, thanks to the new European programming, will support regional excellence with regional instruments and with the co-financing of national programmes and measures projects for 1 billion euro.”

(Statement by Paolo Orneli, Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Trade and Crafts, University, Research, Start-up and Innovation)

Thanks to LazioInnova, which has allowed Advanced Electronic Biosystem to participate and make known its reality and the fields of application of our products.

Thanks to this event Easy Temp will fly even more in the other reaching the stars.