Crowdfunding is a collaborative process that brings big projects to life.
Are you an investor? Is this your first experience in the world of Crowdfunding? Don’t worry, we are here to give you some information, which may be useful to you now or in the future.

What is Equity Crowdfunding?
Equity Crowdfunding is a form of investment that allows the “crowd” of investors (Crowd) to finance startups and small-medium enterprises (both innovative and non-innovative) through authorized online portals, by providing a financial contribution in exchange for company shares. companies (shares).

Okay. But how does it work? How do you become an investor?
Investing in companies through Equity Crowdfunding means selecting companies that are believed to have the potential to grow and establish themselves on the markets. Through platforms such as Backtowork (a platform chosen by us for our campaign), the “potential” investor, even before registering, can view the active investment opportunities, and choose whether to investigate and invest in the proposed projects.
A complete documentation kit is available for each company and to download it, simply register on the platform, enter your credentials and log in.
To start the investment procedure, however, simply click on the “invest in the campaign” button, and proceed by entering:

  • The amount you wish to invest
  • The information necessary to associate the investment with the investor (general information, tax code … etc.)
  • The Iban of the account from which the payment will be made

Once the procedure has been completed, the investor will receive an order in pdf format by email where he will find all the instructions for making the transfer from his home banking. Investors can take advantage of tax benefits between 30% and 50% of the investment.

Why did Advanced Electronic Biosystem decide to participate in Equity Crowdfunding?
AEBiosystem was born and has as its objective the redefinition of vital parameters monitoring systems.

A lens that we like to define as universal.
For this reason we have chosen to launch an Equity Crowdfunding campaign, due to the nature of universal access to the investment opportunity.

And you, what are you waiting for?
Support our projects. Support your health.