Privacy Policy-en

Information on Cookies

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient.

The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages.

You can change or revoke your consent from the Cookie Statement on our website at any time.

Find out more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process your personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Please specify your consent ID and the date you contacted us regarding your consent.


Easy Temp App

What data do we collect?

Location information

Location data: The “Easy Temp App” will only require location activation when the user wants to use their smartphone to communicate via bluetooth with the “Easy Temp Patch” devices.

Important: The app does not collect user location data in any way, either when in use or when in the background. The location service will only be used to connect via Bluetooth with our devices, which use “BLE low energy” technology. The activation of the location is necessary for communication between smartphone and device, and will be used only following the granting of permissions by the user. You can choose whether to activate the location only when the App is in use, or always and therefore also when the App is in the background. In the first case, communication via Bluetooth will only work if the app is in use.

Location background service: This App will require the activation of the GPS service in the background, to communicate with the devices “easy temp patch” even when the App is in the background, and only after the granting of permissions by the user. The location service can be deactivated at any time by the user, thus also interrupting communication with our devices.

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is provided by Advanced Electronic Biosystem Srl (hereinafter “AEBiosystem”), P. VAT 03024820601 with registered office in Atina (FR) Via Sode, n.1392, Cap. 03042 e-mail address as Data Controller of navigation data on the website (hereinafter the “Site”) pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and 122 of Legislative Decree n.196/2003, as updated by D. Lgs 101/2018 (hereinafter “Privacy Code“) taking into account the Provision of the Guarantor Authority of 8 May 2014 “Identification of simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” (Published in the Official Journal no. 126 of 3 June 2014).

Type and list of cookies used by this site

There are different types of cookies that contain different information and perform different functions (e.g. performing computer authentication, monitoring sessions, storing preferences for sending targeted advertising messages, etc.). Each cookie, in turn, contains different data (e.g. the name of the server from which it comes, a numeric identifier, etc.). Such data can remain in the user’s device for different periods of time – a browser session, a few hours, several days or for longer periods.

Technical cookies necessary for navigation: Cookies used to perform navigation or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes. Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site. Without the use of such cookies, some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure. Therefore, technical cookies are indispensable. Technical cookies do not require the user’s consent, as they are necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

Third-party analytical cookies used as technical cookies: Third-party analytical cookies can be assimilated to technical cookies only if used for the purpose of site optimization by the site owner, to collect aggregated information on the number of users and how they visit the site. When they are used as technical cookies and when anonymization measures prescribed by the Guarantor are taken, analytical cookies are necessary to allow the site owner to improve the operation of the same and the user experience on the site.

Marketing and profiling cookies: Cookies used to track the user’s web browsing and create profiles on his tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies can be transmitted to the user’s terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in his online navigation.

Profiling cookies are not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the site and, therefore, the user can decide whether to install such cookies or not. The installation of profiling cookies requires the user’s consent, which can be disclosed or revoked by the user.

The site installs the following types of cookies:

Cookie Name Typology Cookie Shelf Life Purpose of the Cookie Consent
CookieConsent Necessary 1 year Stores the status of the user’s cookie consent for the current domain Unsolicited
_ga Analytical 2 years Stores information about the use of the site Required
_gat Analytical 1 day Rate limiting system  Required
_gid Analytical 1 day Aggregate statistics  Required


Third party cookies

Through the Site are installed some third-party cookies, including profiling, which are activated by clicking “I consent” on the banner that appears on first access. Details are given of the individual third-party cookies, as well as the links through which the user can receive more information and request the deactivation of cookies.

The Site uses Google Analytics. This is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) that uses cookies that are stored on the user’s computer to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form regarding the use of the website visited.

The Data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the information available at the following link: cookie usage

To consult the privacy policy of Google Inc., the independent data controller of the Google Analytics service, see the following link:

At the following link the browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics is also made available by Google.

The Site uses the services provided by the video platform Youtube, in order to ensure the integration of video content c.d. “embedded”.

To consult the privacy policy of Youtube, video platform owned by Google, independent data controller for this service, for more information see the following link:

To learn more about cookies and how to manage or disable third-party or marketing/retargeting cookies, visit:


Social network buttons and widgets

Social buttons are the “buttons” on the site that depict the icons of social networks (for example, Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube and Twitter) and allow users who are browsing to interact with a “click” directly with social platforms.

The Social buttons used by the site are links to the Data Controller’s accounts on the social networks depicted. Through the use of these buttons are therefore not installed on the site third-party cookies. However, links are provided where the user can read the privacy policy relating to the management of data by the Social to which the buttons refer:




Any incorporation of the Twitter widget involves the installation of cookies, including profiling cookies, by Twitter Inc. No information is shared by the site where the widget is embedded. For more information, including on the deactivation of such cookies, we recommend that you consult the following links:

Any incorporation of Add This involves the installation of cookies, including profiling cookies, of the third party company that offers the service. However, the site does not share any browsing information or user data acquired in the case of use of such sharing buttons, except for some data in aggregate form. You can consult the privacy policy for Users who use the addthis Sharing Button at the following link:

For deactivation:

Method of treatment

The processing is carried out with automated tools by the Data Controller. No dissemination or communication is carried out.

Provision of data and consent

Except for technical cookies strictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of data is left to the will of the interested person who decides to browse the site after having read the brief information contained in the banner and to use the services that involve the installation of cookies. The interested party can therefore avoid the installation of cookies by maintaining the banner (thus refraining from closing it by clicking on the “ok” button), as well as through the appropriate functions available on your browser.

Disabling cookies

Without prejudice to the above regarding cookies strictly necessary for navigation, the user can delete other cookies through the functionality for this purpose made available by the Data Controller through this policy or directly through your browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Microsoft Internet Explorer Click the ‘Tools’ icon in the upper right corner and select ‘Internet Options’. In the pop up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

Below are the links to which you can find instructions on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers:

Microsoft Windows Explorer:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Apple Safari:


Third-party sites

Third-party sites that can be accessed through this website are not covered by this policy. AEBiosystem declines all responsibility for them. The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are regulated in accordance with the information provided by these companies.

Information on the processing of personal data

For further information on the processing of personal data collected on this site by the Data Controller or to consult the section on the rights of the data subject, you can consult the Privacy Policy of the website available here.


Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

Dear User,
this information is provided not only to fulfill the obligations imposed by the Laws on the protection of personal data – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), D. Lgs 196/2003, as updated by D. Lgs 101/2018 (or “Code for the protection of personal data”) and the relevant provisions of the Data Protection Authority – but also because Advanced Electronic Biosystem s.r.l. (hereinafter also only “AEBiosystem”) believes that the protection of personal data is a fundamental value of their business and wants to provide any information that can help you protect your privacy and control the use of personal data when you browse the site (hereinafter the “Site”).

Personal data are information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person defined as “data subject” (hereinafter also “User”), such as personal data, navigation data, information relating to economic conditions, health status, lifestyle, etc.

Data controller

The data controller, that is the person who determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data to which you can turn to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR, is Advanced Electroni Biosystem S.r.l., P. IVA 03024820601 with registered office in Atina (FR) Via Sode, n.1392, Cap. 03042.

The Data Controller may be contacted by sending an e-mail to or by sending a communication by traditional mail to the address of the Data Controller, taking care to specify the reason for the request.

Sources and categories of data processed, nature of data provision and methods of processing

The personal data subject to processing are collected mainly from the User, when the latter navigates the Site or makes use of the services made available by it. This information analyzes the personal data processed in the different sections of the Site and regulates exclusively the processing activities of personal data carried out on the Site and not for other websites to which the User is redirected. The data collected by the Site are mainly processed electronically through software and computer procedures suitable for ensuring technical and computer security measures (such as the implementation of the secure https transmission protocol for the transfer of information entered within the Site).

Navigation data

Types of data and nature of data provision

The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with identified data subjects, but which, by their very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user (such as the name and the type of device that connects to the Site). The provision of such data is not mandatory, when the User decides not to provide such data, does not browse the Site and will not be able to access the features made available by the Site.

Purposes of processing

These data are used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site, to check its correct functioning, to improve the quality of the services offered and to optimize the functionality of the Site.
Such data shall be processed to an extent strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure the security of the networks and information passing through them.

Legal basis

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – Legitimate interest of the data controller to keep the Site secure and that the Site is not used in a manner that infringes the rights of others or as a channel for commission of wrongdoing or fraud (cf. recital 47 of the GDPR).

Retention period

The personal data referred to in this section are stored up to 6 months from the collection, unless the data subject objects at any time with the methods indicated in the section “Rights of the data subject” of this policy.


Area Contacts

Types of data and nature of data provision

The Site hosts a contact area through which the User can proceed to forward a contact request to AEBiosystem or make specific requests for assistance.

This section collects the following types of data:

  • name and surname;
  • email address;
  • free field for entering the message text.

AEBiosystem cannot carry out any kind of preventive check in relation to the information entered in the fields freely filled in by the User.

AEBiosystem asks Users not to enter information from which, even indirectly, they may have knowledge of data belonging to particular categories referred to in Article 9 of the GDPR. Where such data types are entered, AEBiosystem will not take such information into account in the findings and will proceed to delete such data in a secure manner that does not allow its recovery. The provision of data in this area is optional. If the User decides not to provide such data, the same cannot forward contact requests to AEBiosystem that will be unable to give appropriate feedback.

Purposes of processing

Reply to the contact requests sent to AEBiosystem by the Users through the form.

Legal basis

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – the processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.

Period of retention of data

For only the time necessary to contact the User who has requested it from the Users and for a period of 6 months after the User’s request has been received, in order to properly handle any subsequent requests from the same User or additional information related to the same or similar issues.


Types of data and nature of data provision

Within the homepage of the Site there is a box that redirects the User to the page through which the latter can submit a request for subscription to the promotional newsletter related to the services offered by the Company. This section collects the following types of data:

  • Email address

The provision of data in this area is optional. If the User decides not to provide such data, it will not be possible to submit the request for subscription to the newsletter of AEBiosystem, which will therefore be unable to give appropriate course to such request of the User.

Purposes of processing

Subscription to the AEBiosystem newsletter related to the services offered by AEBiosystem.

Legal basis

A rt. 6 (1) (a) GDPR

Consent of the User expressed through the insertion in the specific box of the email address. This consent can be revoked at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation, following the instructions in the section “Rights of the data subject”.

Retention period

Until the User’s express consent is revoked.

Cookie policy

The Site installs different types of Cookies. The cookie policy with details of the information processed through these tools can be reached by clicking here.

Any recipients or any categories of recipients of personal data and transfer of personal data in a third country or outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

The data may only be accessed by duly instructed authorized parties (including with regard to compliance with security measures and confidentiality obligations) pursuant to art. 29 GDPR (for example: staff and employees of AEBiosystem who are responsible for responding to contact requests made by Users).

The data may be further accessed, as independent data controllers or data processors pursuant to art. 28 GDPR, professionals and consultants appointed by the Data Controller.

In particular, they will have access to the following data:

  • Entities providing services for the management of the Company’s information system and communication networks (including e-mail accounts);
  • Companies that support AEBiosystem in the administration of the Site (e.g. the Internet service provider) or to provide the services that the User requests;
  • Competent authorities for compliance with legal obligations and/or provisions of public bodies, on explicit request;
  • Other companies in the course of corporate transactions of acquisition or division, provided that it is contractually guaranteed that such information remains confidential and protected;

To obtain an up-to-date list of subjects who may become aware of your personal data, you can send a communication by email to, taking care to specify the reason for your request.

AEBiosystem guarantees that personal data will never be disseminated. The personal data processed may also be transferred to third countries or sites outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In such cases, if it becomes necessary to transfer data to a third country located outside the European Economic Area, AEBiosystem guarantees that such transfer will take place only in the presence of a decision of adequacy of the European Commission or other adequate guarantees provided by the Personal Data Protection Laws (such as the stipulation of standard contractual clauses with the subject who will receive the data and who must in any case ensure that your personal data are subject to the same level of protection guaranteed by AEBiosystem).

Minor subjects

Children under the age of 18 must not give personal information or data to AEBiosystem without the consent of the parental responsibility merchants on them. Therefore AEBiosystem invites all those who exercise parental responsibility on minors to inform them about the safe and responsible use of the Internet and the Web and to implement any procedures indicated from time to time in relation to the initiatives in which The Company intends to process the data of minors.

Rights of the data subject

The exercise of the rights indicated in this section is not subject to any formal constraint and is free, except for manifestly unfounded or excessive requests, pursuant to art. 12 (5) of the GDPR.

In relation to the processing described in this policy and pursuant to the GDPR, the User may exercise the following rights:

  • right of access to your personal data and to all information pursuant to art. 15 of the GDPR,
  • the right to rectify inaccurate personal data and to supplement incomplete personal data,
  • right of deletion of your data, except for those contained in acts that must be compulsorily stored by the Company and unless there is a overriding legitimate reason to proceed with the processing;
  • right to limitation of processing where one of the hypotheses referred to in art. 18 of the GDPR applies.
  • right to object to the processing of your personal data, without prejudice to what is provided with regard to the necessity and obligation of processing for the purposes of establishing the relationship
  • the right to revoke any consent given for non-compulsory data processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal.

The Data Subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data ( or the Authority of the EU State where the Data Subject habitually resides or works, or the place where the alleged violation occurred, in relation to a treatment it considers to be non-compliant.

For all these requests, the User can contact the Data Controller by sending a communication by traditional mail to the address Atina (FR) Via Sode, n.1392, Cap. 03042 or by email to


This information provides some processing for which the User’s consent is required. This consent may be expressed through the affixing of specific flags in special boxes at the bottom of the forms of the site through which the personal data of the Users are collected.

Amendments to this policy

This policy is updated on 22 October 2020. Any future changes to this policy will be published on this page. AEBiosystem invites Users to regularly view this page, in order to be updated in relation to any changes. If necessary, changes to this policy will be notified to the User by e-mail.